Evaluating Claude Opus against GPT-4 on Summarization Tasks

Using the G-Eval procedure to compare the performance of Claude Opus and GPT-4 on a summarization task.


An LLM fine-tuned on a curated set of wisdom, advice, and insights. Great for life advice. I wrote some notes about the fine-tuning process here.

ReAct Agent Implementation

A very basic Python implementation of an LLM powered agent following the ReAct (reason + action) framework. I shared some notes on the implementation here.

Evaluting LLM Generated Summaries

An exploration of how we can use language models to evalute the qualty of their own summarization performance.

Personal Finance Agent

An agent which can analyze and help you understand your spending. Built two versions: one using LangChain Agents and one using OpenAI's Assistants API.

Live link above or view a demo here. The backend is deployed on a free Heroku tier so if it doesn't work right away, just try again in 30 seconds :).

Handles queries like, "How much did I spend in January?", or "What did I spend the most on this year?"

Improving the Performance of Retrieval Augmented Generation Systems

Independent research exploring how to evaluate and improve the quality Retrieval Augmented Generation. Related writing:

10 Ways to Improve the Performance of Retrieval Augmented Generation Systems

The Issue with Data Supported Chatbots

How to Evaluate the Quality of LLM-based Chatbots

Does Accounting for Recency Improve RAG Performance?

Legal Tech Chat Bot

Exploring how to make a chatbot that can answer any question about the legal tech industy. Built using GPT-3.5 connected to a large collection of information on the industry.

Handles queries like "Tell me about some legal tech companies using AI" or "What does the company MyCase do?"

Strava Activity Analysis

I use the app Strava to track my runs and bike rides. A while back I published a peice on how to access and analyze activity data for other Strava users. A lot of people reached out and asked if I could do this for them, so I built a web app that allows users to authenticate into the Strava and recieve a report containing stats and trends for their top activites. You can check out the live app by clicking above, or see a demo here.

Crime in DC

No longer live

There was a dramatic rise in violent crime in Washington DC, where I live, over the past few years. I built this dashboard which keeps track of the number of shootings and robberies reported by the DC Police Deparment via Twitter.

Send Me a Article on the Blockchain

Through this Solidity / React app, you can send me an article you think I should read and it will be stored as a transcation on the Ethereum block chain. When you send me an article, you may also be randomly chosen to recieve a small prize in ETH.

Questions for Couples

No longer live

A simple game that gives couples three levels of questions to ask each other: chill, deep, and deeper. Couples, and even friends, can use it to get to know each other or just fill some time.

Shopify for Job Boards

I noticed that a trend of a lot influences and niche leaders hosting job boards. Most were designing and building their own from scratch. I build an MVP for a web app that would abstract this process and serve as a Shopify for job boards. Pallet has since come along and built a really cool business around a more sophisticated execution of this idea.


Tutible was a platform designed to match college students with peer tutors who has taken their class. I designed and built this with the no-code platform Bubble before learning to program web apps.

Support Your Shops

A directory of small businesses in my home town. I built this with Bubble at the beginning of the pandemic with the intention of helping stores share info about their operations, hours, or deliveries.

Smart Lock

A bluetooth enabled smart lock that I built with an Arduino.