We Don't Say We're Never Going to Do It


A quote from Ryan Holiday. Put here as a note to myself.


“It’s the biggest lie in the world, you may have said it to yourself today, you did may have heard it today, and it's this. I'll do it tomorrow. I'll do it when I wake up. I'll do it after I finish this. I'll do it when I retire. I'll do it when things are easier. I'll do it when things go back to normal.

Seneca said, the one thing all fools have in common is that they're always delaying to start. They're always getting ready to start. Marcus Aurelius says, you could be good today, instead you choose tomorrow. We choose tomorrow because we know it's not a real choice. We're not actually going to do it. It's just kicking the can down the road. It's a lie we tell ourselves. It's the biggest lie in the world. We don't say we're never going to do it. We say we're going to do it later, but we're not”